Download Video From Google Drive

I want to download YouTube videos to directly save in my google drive rather than downloading it to local hard drive.Please let me know if there are any website or java code to download.

2,4541 gold badge5 silver badges15 bronze badges
shubham bansal

You can store and play videos directly from Google Drive. Learn more about uploading files and folders to Google Drive. To find your uploaded videos: On your computer, go to In the box marked 'Search Drive,' click the Down arrow. In the box marked 'Type,' click Videos. Click Search. To play your video: Double. The post will show the way to backup photos/videos from Android to Google Drive. Google Drive offers you 15GB storage that is free in charge. In another word, you will have free large external storage to backup your photos and videos with the tool.

shubham bansal
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closed as off-topic by Suraj Rao, tripleee, EJoshuaS, adiga, Kirk BeardNov 9 '17 at 7:48

This question appears to be off-topic. The users who voted to close gave this specific reason:

  • 'Questions about general computing hardware and software are off-topic for Stack Overflow unless they directly involve tools used primarily for programming. You may be able to get help on Super User.' – tripleee, EJoshuaS, adiga
If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

1 Answer

You can follow these steps:

Step 1:

Get straight into Chrome Web Store. In the search box, type Save to Google Drive extension. Click on the first extension offered by Google Drive team or follow this link. Click on the blue button showing Add to Chrome and click Add Extension. A file will be downloaded, and you will see a message displaying on the URL bar, Added successfully and you would see the Drive logo on the top right side of the browser window.

Step 2:

Now open your Google drive account and make a folder named as YouTube Downloads or any relevant name of your choice.

Step 3:

How To Download Video From Google

Right Click on the extension and then Click on Options. A new tab would be opened. Now, click on the button with the label “Change destination folder.”

Download Video From Google Drive

Step 4:

Once you click on the button, you would be redirected to your Google Drive account. You would see an option for the YouTube Downloads folder you made previously. Click on the option and Select it.

Step 5:

Download Video From Google Drive To Camera Roll

In the next step, drive directly to the official website of YouTube and open your favorite video you want to save on Google Drive. Copy the link of the video from the address bar.

Step 6:

The next step involves the generation of a download link; users will click on this link to download the video directly. You can visit a website like or use an application such as KeepVid to generate a download link. You can use any service relevant to you or you find easier to use.

Just paste the address of the YouTube video you copied on the text field and click Download. You would see download links of different video qualities. Right click on the link showing your preferred class and then click Save to Google Drive option indicated on the menu.

Download Video From Google Drive Link

Step 7:

Finally, your download will begin. It will take some time depending upon the size of video and your Internet speed. For faster downloads, you can use broadband or Wi-Fi.

Download Video From Google Drive To Android


Download Video From Google Drive App


Download Video From Google Drive To Computer

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How To Download Video From Google Drive

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