Nintendo Switch Download Game Or Physical

For obvious reasons, games downloaded from the eShop are installed on the Nintendo Switch. Even better, games purchased as physical media don't have to be installed to be played. However, rather than carrying cartridges around it'd be nice to install some games.

Mar 6, 2017 - For obvious reasons, games downloaded from the eShop are installed on the Nintendo Switch. Even better, games purchased as physical. Nintendo Switch games load fastest from internal storage. Digital Switch games actually appear to be faster. The internal memory of the Switch, a physical cart of the game.

Can Nintendo Switch games purchased as cartridges be installed to the console?

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1 Answer

After going through all of the options on the console, the firm answer is: No.

I highly doubt Nintendo would ever offer the option to install from the Game Cards. They are already way faster than optical discs, so that isn't an argument. Frankly they'd rather make it harder to pirate games by forcing the need of the Game Card than make it easier for individuals with many physical purchases.

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